EduShift, Inc., a grant
writing, research and evaluation organization, is an experienced and successful
consulting firm that has helped rural, suburban and urban school districts
(including charter schools) across the nation secure federal, state and private
funding for education initiatives.
Program expertise includes developing and evaluating student academic
enrichment, social/behavioral intervention, professional development, school
restructuring and community-based outreach efforts that improve the quality,
diversity and capacity of preK–12 programming. EduShift specializes in working with low-performing and/or
high-needs school districts serving impoverished, at-risk communities that lack
the capacity to prepare, submit and evaluate complex, multi-year projects. Combined, the EduShift team offers more
than 35 years of grant writing and evaluation experience and total funds
awarded to EduShift applications exceed $90,000,000 since 2003. In addition to grants consulting expertise,
EduShift has facilitated school district access to world-class education
partners, including active grants linking schools with the Smithsonian
Institution, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Cornell University,
University of Michigan and diverse regional and local organizations.